
specialising in extraction

of high purity Silicon Dioxide

Silica Mining Corporation

When it began... 

We started our journey with Silicon Dioxide in the late 1990s, but at that time there was not much general interest in this mineral. The boom only started around 2005, when mass production of cheap electronic equipment, solar panels, modern cars, mobile phones and other devices requiring the presence of Silicon (Si) in the form of integrated circuits actually began.
Around 2007, as we all remember, the first major financial turmoil (credit crounch) began, which led, among other things, to problems with the supply of Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) to companies using Silicon in their production, it was then that people were reminded of how this mineral is strategically important. The price of SiO2 started to increase... However, the lockdown caused the greatest destruction - the lack of SiO2 became extremely troublesome, the production of microchips dropped dramatically and the price of silicone increased almost 15 times over the last 10 years.

In fact, formation of our Company was an answer to these clear symptoms of rapidly emerging shortage of a high purity Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) on the European and Asian markets. The time has come for serious action.

Company Formation 

Silica Mining Corporation Ltd was incorporated on the 1st of August 2016 with an initial share capital of £60,000.00

Acquisition of land 

In 2016, Silica Mining Corporation acquired a significant size plot of land located in the central part of the European Union.The area of ​​the plot in question is over 100 acres (over 41 ha). It turned out that the plot contains mainly feldspar rich in silica compounds with a purity exceeding 70% of SiO2, and the production waste contains over 50% of Al - suitable for the production of good quality aluminum.

The values 

Specialized geological research has shown that the purchased silica deposits contain over 32.5 million tons of this mineral. At current prices on the world market, the current trade value of the deposit is approximately £19,500,000,000.00 (2023)